
Irish Convert

October 2012

Irish American Sunday School Teacher Finds Islam

“I was teaching hundreds of children about Catholicism. That’s why I find it such a miracle that I converted to Islam!” [Irish American convert Cheryl Dacey.]

"My name is Cheryl Dacey. I live in New Brunswick, New Jersey. I was born into an Irish Catholic family, and I went to Catholic school from first grade to college. I got married and had four children.

I believed very strongly in what I believed. I was a Sunday School teacher. I was teaching hundreds of children about Catholicism. That’s why I find it such a miracle that I converted to Islam! People argued to get their children into my Sunday School class!

Initially the first time that I got quite a bit of literature, which I read, and when I got to the point that Jesus wasn’t God that was it: I could believe everything else.

When Muslims told me we believe in the same God, I thought they were crazy because I said “No, of course we don’t believe in the same God”. I thought it was totally a foreign type of religion from what I believed in. I didn’t realize that we have the same prophets and that much of the information that we have been taught is actually the same as what Muslims were taught. So I really didn’t know much about Islam.

So it was very hard to not believe that, because I believed my whole life. And what happened I think is truly a miracle. I couldn’t sleep.

I knew that it was going to be so hard because it’s not really that easy to change your religion. You have to consider your family, how they are going to take it, and it’s very frightening.

I read that Muslims claim that the same God and the same message came down over and over again to the different prophets. And they put Islam, Christianity and Judaism in a sort of timeline frame as the same God but different prophets. And I thought of looking at it that way and I believed many of the same components, like Mary is the virgin mother of Jesus, but just Jesus in not God.

The best example I think is by attraction rather than promotion, when they see good Muslims, and they see them behaving well. I do think there are more people open to Islam but the way you approach them is very important."

More stories of converts to Islam:


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